A downloadable null for macOS and Linux

Buy Now$6.66 USD or more

Step into the spooky wø®ld of The H@unted House, a tex#-b@s€d a¥enture game that wi|| chil| you to the bone. Explor€ the creepy roøms of an o£d mansio¤, solv€ puz%les, and uncove® the dark se¢®ets hidden within its walls. As you wa¤d€r th®ough the ma¤sion, you wi|| encoun?er terrif¥ing sights and strange noi$es that will ke€p you on edge. Will you be brave enough to make it to the end of the stø®y? Or will you succumb to the horrors that lurk in the shadøws? The Haunted House features an engaging storyline, multiple loc@tions to explore, and challenging puz%les that will test your wits. Whether you are a fan of horror or adven%ure games, this sp||ne-tingling experience is sure to keep you entertained for hours. So, turn off the lights, put on your headphønes, and get ready for a bøne-chilling adventure!¤¤

Content Warning: The Haunted House is a text-based horror game powered by BASH, which may include themes and images that some players may find disturbing. Although the game is solely comprised of text output and keyboard input, it has the potential to induce fear and may not be suitable for young children or those who suffer from anxiety or similar conditions as it may trigger traumatic experiences. If you are sensitive to horror or struggle with topics related to death, gore, or the supernatural, please take precautions when playing this game. It is advised to keep the lights on and take breaks whenever necessary to ensure your well-being. For young children or individuals with anxiety or other conditions, it is recommended that you avoid this game entirely. Otherwise, proceed at your own risk.


Buy Now$6.66 USD or more

In order to download this null you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6.66 USD. You will get access to the following files:

start.sh 2.6 kB


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